Local Parent Club Bylaws

The official name of the organization shall be the Southeastern Pennsylvania Parents’ Association herein known as SPPA, a non-profit entity that exists under the policies and the provisions for parents’ clubs of the United States Naval Academy (USNA).
Initiate ways and means to facilitate the following objectives:

  • Support SPPA Members while their sons, and/or daughters, are attending the United State Naval Academy, by sharing personal experiences and meaningful information.
  • Plan and execute activities to instill camaraderie among SPPA Members.
  • Support the midshipmen of SPPA Members through various SPPA activities.
Section 1. Membership shall be open to anyone who expresses an interest in becoming involved with SPPA.
Section 2. To become a member, a candidate shall fill out an application and pay any required dues.
Section 3. Memberships shall be one (1) of three (3) categories: Active, Alumni, and Associate.
Section 4. An Active Member shall be a parent or guardian of a midshipman.
Section 5. An Alumni Member shall be a parent or guardian of a graduated midshipman.
Section 6. An Associate Member is a parent or guardian of a student attending the Naval Academy Preparatory School (NAPS) or a Naval Academy Foundation (NAF) School, or any person, who wishes to be active and/or support SPPA.
Section 7. Parents of midshipmen, who are divorced, or separated, shall be given equal consideration for membership, shall maintain separate memberships, and shall separately pay dues.
Section 8. A member in good standing shall be any member whose financial obligations are current.
Section 9. No member shall be denied membership due to race, creed, color, national origin, or ancestry.
Section 1. SPPA shall be governed by a Board of Directors, which shall consist of

  • Five (5) elected officers, as follows: President; Vice-President Administrative; Vice-President Membership; Secretary; and Treasurer
  • Immediate Past President
  • One (1) Active Class Representative for every Active USNA academic year
  • Two (2) Alumni Class Representatives from past graduating classes.
Section 2. Past Presidents shall act in the role of advisors to the Board of Directors.
Section 3. The Board of Directors shall conduct all business transactions, shall make, and/or amend, all policies for the operation and regulation of the organization, and shall preside over the election of the officers.
Section 4. The fiscal year shall be from 01 June of the current calendar year to 31 May of the following calendar year.
Section 5. The Board of Directors’ service term shall be in accordance with the established fiscal year.
Section 6. A Board of Director shall be a member in good standing and shall regularly attend Board of Director Meetings. A Board Of Director missing three (3) meetings in a row, without good reason(s), shall be asked to resign.
Section 7. Only an Active Member shall hold elected office.
Section 8. Each position on the Board of Directors shall have one (1) vote, regardless if the position is shared by multiple people.
Section 9. The Board of Directors shall make, and/or amend, all rules for conducting meetings, utilizing Robert’s Rules of Order, as the parliamentary authority governing all proceedings for guidance, as deemed applicable.
Section 10. The Board of Directors shall announce all meetings to the membership at least seven (7) days in advance of said meetings, which shall be open to all members, and have the right to comment on topics of discussion at meetings.
Section 11. The Board of Directors shall determine the meaning of any, and all, questions regarding the proper interpretation of the by-laws.
Section 12. The Board of Directors shall remove, Committee Chairperson(s), Director(s), Officer(s), and/or Member(s), as shall be deemed appropriate. The Board of Directors shall designate, and fill, any vacancies in the slate of Officers and/or Board of Directors, as they may occur, after the Annual Election.
Section 1. The President shall preside at all Membership and Board of Director Meetings; shall be responsible for all SPPA business; shall appoint, subject to the confirmation of the Board of Directors, all Standing and Ad Hoc Committees, designating the chairperson thereof; as well as being an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 2. The Vice President, Administrative, shall, in the absence or disability of the President, act in the President’s stead and shall under the direction of the President, attend to the business, financial functions, and operations of SPPA, and shall be the By-Laws Committee Chairperson. As such, the Vice President, Administrative, shall administer all business between the Board of Directors and concerned personnel, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 3. The Vice President, Membership, shall, in the absence or disability of the President, or the Vice President, Administrative, act in their stead and shall attend to the acquisition and support of new members by serving as the Membership Committee Chairperson and the chairperson of the Nomination Committee.
Section 4. The Secretary shall be responsible for all official correspondence, maintaining a correspondence file, and issuing calls for all meetings, with proper notice. The Secretary shall take, retain and distribute, all meeting minutes, Board of Directors and General Membership, and be prepared to present the meeting minutes at the next, and future, meetings.
Section 5. The Treasurer shall attend to keeping all accounts; shall record and classify all revenues; shall pay all bills, as approved by the Board of Directors, or any other committee authorized to incur them; shall deposit funds into the approved depository as received, and provide accurate, written reports at all meetings. In addition, the Treasurer shall also maintain accurate records, delineating complete payments, in full, or an accounting thereof, of individual dues, as well as maintain a fund regarding future year(s) dues payments. The Treasurer will serve as the Finance Committee Chairperson.
Section 6. Immediate Past President shall serve as an advisor to the current President, and shall assist in the functions and operations of SPPA.
Section 7. Class Representatives shall represent their class on the Board of Directors and will lead class projects, chair committees and provide personal communications to their class. Class Representatives shall be appointed for a one year term, but may serve multiple terms.
Section 8. Alumni Class Representatives shall represent alumni members on the Board of Directors and will chair committees and provide personal communications to alumni. Alumni Class Representatives shall be appointed for a one year term, but may serve multiple terms.
Section 1. The Standing Committees shall consist of the following six (6) committees: Activities/Programs; By-Laws; Finance; Membership; Nominating; and Public Relations.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall assign the duties and powers of the Standing Committees. The Committees’ chairpersons shall submit committee plans for approval to the Board of Directors, in person, as well as submit status reports on a regular basis.
Section 3. The Activities/Programs Committee, chaired by a Director, shall set up and exercise supervision over all activities, entertainment, and/or programs, as deemed applicable.
Section 4. The By-Laws Committee, chaired by the Vice President, Administrative, shall meet on a timely basis to review the current by-laws, shall recommend any changes thereof, to the Board of Directors for acceptance by the member during the Spring Membership Meeting, and shall, as necessary, recommend that a Special Meeting be convened for the purpose of amending the current by-laws.
Section 5. The Finance Committee, chaired by the Treasurer, shall exercise general supervision over all financial transactions, shall prepare a plan regulating all fund raising activities, and shall prepare the annual budget for submission to, and for approval by the Board of Directors.
Section 6. The Membership Committee, chaired by the Vice President, Membership, shall plan and execute all recruitment and support activities for new United States Naval Academy appointees’ parents.
Section 7. The Nominating Committee, chaired by the Vice President, Membership, shall nominate the candidates for office for the upcoming fiscal year.
Section 8. The Public Relations Committee, chaired by a Director, shall manage the member contact database and communications to inform SPPA members of activities and enhance the image of SPPA.
Section 9. Ad Hoc Committees, chaired by a member, governing activities, events, and functions that may not be conducted annually, subject to the recommendation of the President and confirmation of the Board of Directors, shall be formed annually.
Section 1. General Membership Meetings shall be held, at a minimum, four (4) times, each fiscal year, as shall be deemed applicable, or as directed, by the Board of Directors.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall, by resolution, establish the time and schedule for all meetings and the rules for the conduct thereof.
Section 3. The elections of officers shall take place at the Spring General Membership Meeting, or as so directed by the Board of Directors.
Section 4. The President, upon the request of at least three (3) Board of Directors, shall call a Special Meeting in response to a special meeting request.
Section 5. Special Meetings may be called by the Board of Directors for the purpose expressed in the written notice for that meeting, as issued by the Secretary, within fifteen (15) days prior to that meeting.
Section 6. Any member may request a Special Meeting; however, the request must be provided, in writing, to the Board of Directors, who shall ensure that this request is justified prior to the calling of the special meeting.
Section 7. Notice(s) for any General Membership, or Special Meeting, shall be sent to all members in good standing and shall state the time, date, location, and nature of the business to be transacted at said meeting.
Section 8. The by-laws shall be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those members entitled to vote, present at a meeting called for that purpose, provided that at least seven (7) days notice of that vote shall be given to the members.
Section 9. Whenever any notices shall be required, such notices shall be sent to the last known e-mail address of record for each member, and shall constitute issuance of that notice.
Section 1. The nominating committee shall be comprised of at least five (5) members, who shall be appointed by the Board of Directors, and who shall be required to prepare a slate of not more than three (3), nor less than one (1), candidate(s) for each office.
Section 2. Notice to accept nominations for candidates for office for the upcoming fiscal year, shall occur at least sixty (60) days prior to the Spring General Membership Meeting, or as so directed by the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Any member seeking office shall provide a letter to the nominating committee delineating their qualifications for office, not later than thirty (30) days prior to the spring general membership meeting.
Section 4. Independent nomination for any member seeking office shall be made by a letter (petition), that must be signed by at least five (5) members in good standing and delivered to the nominating committee at least thirty (30) days prior to the Spring General Membership Meeting; however, no member shall, in any case, sign more than one (1) letter (petition).
Section 5. The Nominating Committee shall provide the nominations to the Secretary, not later than twenty (20) days prior to the spring general membership meeting, who shall then notify the members of these nominations, at least seven (7) days prior to the spring general membership meeting.
Section 6. All voting shall be by viva voce by the members present at any meeting; however, eight (8) members shall have the right to demand a roll call vote; and a simple majority shall constitute all voting.
Section 7. Any member present and in good standing, shall have one (1) vote.
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall establish all dues.
Section 2. All financial obligations, shall be payable by the end of the first month of the fiscal year of joining, and all dues paid for multiple years shall be held in reserve.
Section 3. Dues shall only be refunded in the event that an Active Member requests a refund because a son, or daughter, leaves the United Sates Naval Academy, for any reason. The refund will be based upon the following percentages: Plebe Summer, 100%; during the 4/C year, 75%; and during the 3/C year, 50%.
Section 1. In the event it shall become necessary to dissolve the organization, the Board of Directors shall prepare and submit the dissolution document to the members at a Special Membership Meeting, as called for by the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Dissolution shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those members entitled to vote present at the Special Membership Meeting, as called for by the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Dissolution will become effective within ten (10) days following the conduct of the Special Membership Meeting, as called for by the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Any funds remaining in the treasury as of the effective dissolution date shall be transferred either to the new organization, if any, or to the United States Naval Academy Foundation.
Section 1. Responsibility for ensuring that SPPA has a member’s current e-mail, or residence, address shall reside with the member.
Section 2. A memorial fund, administered by the Treasurer with Board of Director guidance, shall be utilized for the purpose of honoring any member, or member’s son or daughter, who has passed away. A monetary donation, the amount of which shall be determined by the Board of Directors, shall be made to the USNA Foundation; in addition, a card shall be sent and a reasonable attempt shall be made to send a representative to attend the funeral.
Section 3. Liaison shall be provided with the United States Naval Academy administration, as necessary and applicable.
Section 4. Interface shall be provided with the United States Naval Academy Alumni Association, Philadelphia Chapter, as necessary and applicable.
Section 5. Liaison shall be provided with the United States Naval Academy Blue and Gold Officers assigned to the SPPA area, as necessary and applicable.
The original by-laws have been adopted by the membership and have been in force since 16, September 1992.
The revised by-laws have been adopted by the membership and are in force, as of 9, November 2005
Article IV Section 12 updated to include mid term Board of Director appointments, as of 19, April 2007


September 16, 1992 – November 9, 2005


The name of this organization shall be the Southeastern Pennsylvania Parents’ Association , herein known as SPPASPPA is a non-profit entity and exists under the provisions of the United States Naval Academy.


Initiate ways and means to publish meaningful information to bridge communication gaps betwen the Academy/Parents/Midshipmen in order to assist our Midshipman and their Parents in coping with the rigors of the Academy’s rugged mental, physical, academic, and military programs, as well as to promote goals as a social organization by planning and executing activities to promote camaraderie.


SECTION I. SPPA shall be governed by a Board Of Directors consisting of its Officers, Immediate Past President, and one Class Representative for every Active Academic Year. In addition to two At-Large Prepresentatives from past Graduating Classes. The other Past Presidents shall act in the role of Advisors.
SECTION II. The SPPA Board of Directors shall take office after the election fo Officers, and their term shall be in exact coincidenct with the service term of the Officers.
SECTION III. Any SPPA Member holding office and ceasing to remain a member, shall automatically cease to be a member of the Board Of Directors.


SECTION I. Consistent with these By-Laws, the SPPA Board OF Directos shall:

(a) Transact allbusiness and shall make and/or amend all operating policies, regulations, and/or rules for the operation and regulation of the SPPA organization.
(b) Preside over the election of the SPPA Officers.
(c) Appoint and/or remove SPPA Committee Chariperson(s), Director(s), Officer(s), and/or Member(s) as shall be deemed necessary.
(d) Approve the admission of members to SPPA, upon recommendation of the Membership Committee.


Section 1. The presiding SPPA Officers shall be as follows: President, Vice-President (Administrative), Vice-President (Membership), Secretary (Correspondence), Secretary (Recording), Treasuree, and Immediate Past President.
Section 2. The President shall preside at all Membership and Board of Director Meetings; shal be the administrative Officer; shall appoint, subject to the confirmation fo the Board of Directors, all Standing Committees, designatinthe Chairperson thereof; and shall appoint all Special Committees as may be directed, as well as being an Ex-Officio Member of all Committees.
Section 3. The Vice President (Administrative) shall, in the absence or disability of the President, act in the President’s stead; and shall under the direction of the President, attend to the business, financial functions, and operations of SPPA, as well as be the Chairperson for the Financial Committee. As such, this Vice _resident shall administer all SPPA business between the Board of Directors and concerned personnel, as well as being a standing member of the Rules Committee and an Ex-Officio Member of all Committees.
Section 4. The Vice President (Membership) shall, in the absence of disability of the President or Vice President (Administrative), act in their stead; and shall, under the direction of the resident, attend to the acquisition of new members by serving as the Chairperson for the Membership Committee and recommend to the Board of Directors, those potential members who will fulfill the goals and objectives of SPPA.
Section 5. The Secretary (Correspondence) shall be responsible for all official correspondence, keep a Correspondence File, and issue calls for all meetings, with proper notice, at the request of the Board of Directors, the President, or the Membership.
Section 6. The Secretary (Recording) shall take and retain all meeting minutes and be prepared to present these at the next and future meetings, as required/requested.
Section 7. The Treasurer shall attend to keeping all accounts; shall collect all revenues; shall pay all bills, as approved by the Board of Directors, or other agency authorized to incur them; shall deposit funds into the approved Depositroy as received, as well as perform other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors., In addition, the Treasurer will also maintain an SPPA Record Book, showing complete payment records, in full or on account thereof.
Section 8. The Immediate Past President shall serve as an advisor to the current President and shall assist in the funt\ctions and operations of SPPA by utilizing experience and knowledte accumulated during the Immediate Past President’s tenure in office.


Section 1. SPPA meetings shall be held, at a minimum of four times a year or quarterly. General Membership Meetings shall be convened in October and May of each year.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall, by resolution, establis the time and schedule for all meetings and the rules for their conduct.
Section 3. Two-thirds (2/3) fo the Directors or the membership, present in person, shall constitue a quorum at al lmeetings.
Section 4. Elections of Directors and Officers shall take place at the second General Membership Meeting (May).
Section 5. Only Active Members shall be entitled to hold office, with voting by viva voce; however, eight (8) membrs shall have the right to demand a Roll Call Vote.
Section 6. Special Meetings may be called by the Board of Directors for the purpose and cause expressed in the written notice for that meeting, as issued by the Secretary, within fifteen (15) days of that meeting.
Section 7. A Special Meeting may be called by the President upon the request of at least three (3) Directors. Memebers, providing their request to the Director(s) shall endure that it shall be justified and verified in writing.
Section 8. Whenever, under these By-Laws, a notice shall be required, the mailing of such notices shall be ot the last known address of record for each member, and shall constitute that notice.


Section 1. The SPPA Nominating Committee shall be comprised of at least five (5) members, who shall be appointed by the Board of Directors; this committee shall nominate the candidates for offices to be filled at the Fall (October) Meeting.
Section 2. Nomination of SPPA Candidates shall be based upon their qualifications, which shall be submitte, in writing, to the Nominating Committee, not later that 15 July; this committee shall report such nominations to the Secretary on or before 01 August; the Secretary shall notify the membership of these nominations at least seven (7) days prior to the Fall (October) Meeting.
Section 3. Independent nominations for any candidate for a SPPA Office shall be made by Letter (Petition), signed by at least five (5) members and delivered to the Secretary at least fifteen (15) days prior to the Fall (Ocotober) Meeting; the Secretary shall notify the membership of these nominations at least seven (7) days prior to the Fall (October) Meeting.



Section 4. The Nominating Committee shall be required to prepare a slate of not more than three (3) nor less than one (1) candidates for each SPPA Office.


Section 1. The SPPA Standing Committees shall be: Activities/Programs; By-Laws; Finance/Fund Raising; Membership; Mids; Nominating; Plannig; and Public Relations.
Section 2. The duties and powers assignedto these Standing Committees shall be subject to the authority of the Board of Directors.
Section 3. The Activities/Programs Committee, chaired by a SPPA Director, shall set-up all activities, entertainment, and/or programs for and exercise supervision over same.
Section 4. The By-Laws Committee, chaired by the Vice President, Administrative, shall recommend changes to these By-Laws to the Board of Directors for approval, in accordance with ARTICLE IX, Section 4; this committee shall meet in September of each year for this purpose unless it is absolutely necessary to recommend that thte Board of Directors shall call sa Special Meeting fo rthe purpose of amending these By-Laws.
Section 5. The Finance/Fund Raising Committee, chaired by the Treasurer, shal lperpare the Annual Budget for submission to and approval of the Board of Directors exercise general supervision over al financial transactions; and regulate all fund raising activities.
Section 6. The Membership Committee, chaired by the Vice President, Membership, and in accordance with ARTICLE IX, Section 10, shall investigate and report to the Board of Directors, the desirability of applicants for membership.
Section 7. THe Nominating Committee, chaired by the Vice President,Membership, and in accordance with ARTICLE VIII, Section 1, shall nominate candidates for office.
Section 8. The Planning Committee, chaired by the Vice President, Administrative, shall conduct necessary studies and submit appropriate recommendations to the Board of Directors on matters concerning the improvement of all functions and oeprations.
Section 9. The Public Relations Committee, chaired by a Director, shall arrange for the necessary publicity for scheduled events to enhance that appearance and image of SPPA.
Section 10. The Midshipman Committee, chaired by a Director, shall arrange for the necessart liaison to inform SPPA Midshipmen as to the activities and functions of this group, as well as promote communication and cooperating between the Academy and SPPA.


Section 1. SPPA Membership shall be open to anyone who expresses an interest to become involved with this group.
Section 2. SPPA Memeberships shall fall into one of two categories: Active and Associate.
Section 3. An Active Member shall be a member who currently has a son or daughter as an active Midshipman.
Section 4. An Associate Member shall be a member whose son or daughter is currently a NAPS Student, a NAF Student, or a graduated Midshipman, and this person wishes to be active with SPPA.
Section 5. To become a member of SPPA, a candidate shall fill out an application for review by the Membership Committee and pay the required membership fees and agree to pay the annual dues.
Section 6. No member shall be denied membreship due to race, creed, color, national origin or ancestry.


Section 1. The SPPA Board of Directors shall establish all dues and fees payable, including thosethat may be required by the U.S. Naval Academy.
Section 2. All dues and fees shall be payable by the first General Membership Meeting (October).
Section 3. No dues and/or fees shall be fefunded to any member in the event that that member decides to resign.


Section 1. Any questions as to the meaning or proper interpretation ot these By-Laws shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 2. All notices called for within these By-Laws shall be mailed or sent to all members of SPPA.
Section 3. These By-Laws shall be amended by a two-thirds(2/3) vote of those members entitled to vote, present at a meeting called ofr that purpose, provided that at least seven (7) days notice of that vote shall be given to each SPPA Member.


The SPPA By-Laws have been adopted by the Membership and are in force as of 16 SEP 92.